Start Up Journey - What does starting a business look like?

marketing strategies reflect & evolve start-ups May 13, 2024


PHASE ONE: Oh, the excitement!!!

The entrepreneurial journey typically begins with a spark of inspiration – a brilliant idea that ignites your passion and fuels your dreams! Oh, the possibilities! At this stage, you're filled with excitement and enthusiasm, eager to turn your vision into reality. There’s logos to design, perhaps packaging to source, website to build! However, amidst the thrill of possibility, there's also a sense of uncertainty and doubt. Can I really make this work? Will people like my idea? 

It's natural to feel a mix of emotions as you embark on this new venture.


PHASE TWO: Oh, sh&t, the fear of the unknown!

As you delve deeper into the startup process, you'll inevitably encounter challenges and obstacles that test your resolve. The fear of the unknown can be paralysing, causing self-doubt and anxiety to creep in. What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? These are common fears that many business owners grapple with, but it's important to remember that failure is often just a stepping stone on the path to success. Embrace the uncertainty, lean into your fears, and trust in your ability to overcome adversity.

PHASE THREE: The reality of the rollercoaster ride sinks in!

Despite your best efforts, setbacks and failures are inevitable parts of the entrepreneurial journey. Whether it's a failed product launch, a missed opportunity, or a financial setback, these challenges can be disheartening and demoralising. It's okay to feel disappointed and frustrated when things don't go as planned, but it's crucial not to let these setbacks define you. Instead, use them as learning experiences to grow stronger and wiser.

One of our founding members and Barossa Body founder Narelle shares:

 “After probably around 18 months, I realised that actually wasn't the direction I wanted to be. And I wanted to be in stores…boutiques.  And so I went through a pivotal moment of rebranding that went from being a bit of, I guess, a cute label to a more organic style label and brand.“


PHASE FOUR: Yay for the joys of small wins and milestones!

Amidst the inevitable setbacks, there are also moments of triumph and success that make it all worthwhile. Celebrate the small wins along the way – the first sale, positive feedback from customers, learning a new skill or reaching a significant milestone. These victories may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but they're important reminders of your progress and resilience.


Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of starting a business can be exhausting, both mentally and emotionally. That's why it's essential to prioritise self-care and seek support from friends, family, and fellow entrepreneurs. Join a local business group, engage with your local Regional Development Australia branch, attend business networking events. Surround yourself with positive influences who uplift and encourage you, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Whether it's taking a break to recharge, seeking guidance from a mentor, or simply venting to a trusted confidant, remember that you don't have to go it alone. 


As Laura Mudge, Smudge Copywriting, and one of our trusted Regional Guides shares: 

“There is a benefit to growing slowly, however sometimes you do really need to kind of look at weighing up the cost benefit. And often, even though it's going to cost you money, you would gain so much time back. That you can grow your own business a lot faster when you're able to outsource…it's certainly worth having conversations with people in those industries that you're not sure about.”


So, there is light at the end of the tunnel as your business grows!!


Would we do it all again? Yup!

Starting a business is undoubtedly a challenging and emotional journey, but it's also one of the most rewarding experiences you can embark on. By acknowledging and embracing the highs and lows, you can navigate the rollercoaster with resilience, determination, and grace. Remember that it's okay to feel scared, uncertain, and vulnerable – these are all part of the process. Stay true to your vision, trust in yourself, and keep moving forward, one step at a time.


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