Crafting a Standout Brand Identity: Lessons from Angela Pickett

brand identity marketing strategies Jun 06, 2024

In our podcast episode with Angela Pickett, a copywriting expert and SEO guru, we chat about building a standout brand identity. As a way to help small and micro business owners, Angela gives us great insights and practical tips to help your brand shine in a crowded market. Dive into the highlights of our conversation and learn how to create a memorable and authentic brand.


Understanding Your Brand


Personal Connection:

Angela is all about keeping it real. She named her business after herself, Angela Pickett Copywriting, to keep things personal and memorable. Think about it like this: when people hear your name, they should instantly think of your business. It’s like wearing your favourite band t-shirt to a concert—you're showing up as your true self, and people love that.


Defining Your Values:

Your brand should scream what you’re all about. Angela’s background as a diplomat has given her business a unique edge of organisation and a passion for small businesses. Find what makes you, well, you, and let it shine. It’s like adding your secret ingredient to a family recipe—it’s what sets you apart.

The Importance of Brand Identity for Startups


Beyond Visuals:

Sure, logos and colours are fun, but Angela points out that your brand’s soul lies in its story and mission. Before you pick out fonts and colour palettes, get clear on what you stand for and what problem you’re solving. Think of it like planning a vacation—you wouldn’t book a flight without knowing your destination.


Clear Communication:

You need to be able to explain what you do in a way that makes people go, “Aha, I get it!” This means your website, social media, and everything in between should speak the same language. Consistency here builds trust faster than a coffee shop giving out free samples.

Practical Tips for Establishing a Brand Identity


Start with Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

Angela's advice? Know what makes you special. Be clear on who you are, what you do, and why you do it better than anyone else. It’s like telling people why your homemade cookies are better than store-bought ones—spell it out and make them crave what you offer.


Develop a Consistent Tone of Voice:

Craft a tone of voice document that lays out the words and phrases that fit your brand, and those that don’t. This is your brand’s personality in writing. Imagine your brand as a person—are they quirky, formal, or somewhere in between? Keep it consistent.


Visual Cohesiveness:

Pick a colour palette and stick to it. Use tools like Canva, CapCut or Adobe Creative Studio to create templates that fit your brand’s look. Your visuals should match your brand's vibe—if you’re fun and playful, your visuals should reflect that. It’s like dressing your brand in outfits that make sense for their personality.

Evolving Your Brand


Regular Reviews and Adaptations:

Hey, your brand should grow as you do! Don’t let your brand get stagnant. Regularly check in to see if your messaging and visuals still fit. It’s like cleaning out your closet—sometimes you need to toss out the old and bring in the new to stay current.


Customer Feedback:

Listen to your customers—they’re like your brand’s cheerleaders. Their feedback can tell you what’s working and what’s not. Think of it as getting advice from a trusted friend who has your best interests at heart.

Key Takeaways for New Businesses


Focus on Core Offerings:

Start with one thing and do it really well. 

Master that, then expand. 

It’s like learning to ride a bike—you start with training wheels before tackling mountain trails.


Understand Your Audience:

Know who you’re talking to and tailor your message to them. 

This makes your connection stronger.

Be Authentic:


Above all, be yourself. 


Don’t try to copy others. 


Your uniqueness is your strength, and it will attract the right people to your brand.

Authenticity is like your brand’s superpower—use it!

In conclusion, building a strong brand identity is about knowing who you are, communicating clearly, and staying consistent. By focusing on these elements, you can create a brand that not only stands out but also deeply resonates with your audience.


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