Maximising Market Stalls: How to Get the Most out of your Market

case study marketing strategies the way we work Jul 18, 2024

Market stalls are an excellent way to test and launch new products. They offer a unique opportunity to engage with customers directly and get immediate feedback. Leah Bartsch joined us on our podcast, to share her experience through establishing her brands Dressed for Sunday  and Craft Make Do - and Leah shares how effective this strategy can be.

"I love stepping back and seeing what people go for first, what they pick up, what captures their attention," Leah says. 

This observation can inform future product development and help refine offerings based on real-time customer reactions.

"I can make five kits. Doesn't work. It's okay. I haven't actually lost a whole lot of money." 

This approach allows for experimentation without significant financial risk, making market stalls a valuable platform for small businesses to innovate and grow.

Seasonal Strategies: Planning Your Market Stall for Peak Shopping Times

Planning for major buying seasons is crucial for maximising sales at market stalls. Leah emphasises the importance of aligning product offerings with key seasons like Mother’s Day and Christmas: 

"You really want to have Mother's Day appropriate gifts. Christmas has the same idea." 

She suggests introducing seasonal items a few months in advance to capture early buyers and sustain momentum through the peak shopping period.

Inventory management is another critical aspect. Leah advises understanding your price point and the market’s buying habits: 

"You need to really adapt what you bring to that." She also highlights the benefit of selling out: "Selling out is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you've got somewhere to direct people." 

Offering pre-orders or directing customers to an online store can help maintain sales even when stock runs low.

The Power of Workshops: Adding Value and Revenue to Your Market Stall Business

Workshops can also be a powerful addition to a market stall business, providing both value and an additional revenue stream. Leah's journey into workshops began with her passion for teaching: 

"I started out teaching jewellery workshops...people to come along, have a go, try and socialise, try and make something together." 

These workshops not only offer hands-on experience but also create a sense of community and engagement.

Leah’s workshops evolved to include cross-stitch sessions, leading to the creation of DIY kits. These kits became another revenue stream, demonstrating how workshops can diversify a business's offerings. Leah also points out the importance of multiple revenue streams: 

"It's important to have those multiple revenue streams and have some that just turn over on their own."


Leah's experience offers valuable insights into maximising the potential of market stalls. 

Strategies can help market stall businesses thrive:

  • Test new products
  • Plan for peak seasons
  • Add workshops to your offer 
  • Observe customer behaviour
  • Manage Inventory wisely
  • Diversify your revenue streams

By focusing on these key takeaways, small businesses can create a robust and sustainable market presence. 

As Leah puts it, 

"I think the benefit of having a maker business is that you create in small runs. So something doesn't work, it doesn't actually matter."

This mindset of flexibility and innovation is key to success in the dynamic world of market stalls.

To hear more about Leah’s journey - listen to our Podcast Here

Keen to work on your Market Stall - access your workbook // The Ultimate Market Stall Success Guide Here

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