Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses - Tips and tricks

brand identity marketing strategies start-ups Sep 30, 2024
Open laptop on a wooden table in a cozy cafe, displaying text on the screen with warm lighting, coffee cups, and notebooks creating a productive, relaxed workspace atmosphere.

Social Media Marketing for Small Businesses: Real Tips and Tricks

Social media isn’t just for keeping up with friends—it’s a powerful way to grow your small business. With the right approach, you can reach new customers, build brand awareness, and even boost your sales. 

Here’s a no-nonsense guide to using social media effectively for your business, without overcomplicating things. Plus, we’ve got some expert advice from Kat Crane of Crane Creative to help you get even more out of your strategy.


 Building Your Social Media Strategy



  • Know What You Want to Achieve  


   Start by setting clear goals. Do you want more people to know about your business? More website traffic? Or maybe more sales leads? Get specific, so you know what success looks like. 


   As Kat Crane shared in The Regional Collective podcast episode,

 "You need to be proactive about your posting. You can't be reactive, going, 'Oh no, sales are down, I've got to do something.' Plan that stuff out, so you know the cycles and have the content and advertising to back it up."


  • Understand Your Audience  


   You need to know who you’re talking to. Think about your ideal customer—their interests, needs, and where they hang out online. This will help you tailor your content and choose the right platforms.


  • Pick the Right Platforms  


   Don’t try to be everywhere. Focus on the social media platforms your target audience uses the most. If you’ve got great visuals, Instagram and Facebook are solid choices. If you’re B2B, LinkedIn might be the way to go.



Creating Content that Stands Out



  • Plan Ahead  


   Consistency is key. Use a simple content calendar to map out what you’ll post and when (check out our social media customisable calendar HERE). You don’t need to post every day, but having a plan keeps you organised and on track. As Kat Crane wisely points out,

“If you’re reactive, you're just going to be on the back foot the whole time, and the results will be all over the place.”


  • Share Stuff People Care About  


   It may seem obvious, but post content that your audience will find useful, fun, or inspiring. Whether it’s how-to guides, tips, or a behind-the-scenes look at your business, make sure you’re adding value.


  • Use Good Visuals  


   High-quality photos and videos perform better—period. Even if you don’t have a professional designer, tools like Canva, a good filter on your images can help you create eye-catching visuals that show off your brand.


 Engaging with Your Audience



  • Don’t Post & Ghost!


   Don’t leave comments or messages hanging. Engaging with your followers by replying to them builds trust and shows there’s a real person behind the brand.


  • Host Giveaways or Contests  


   Running a contest or giveaway is a fun way to get people excited and talking about your business. Just make sure the rules are clear and encourage interaction.


  • Encourage User-Generated Content  


   Ask your customers to share their experiences with your products or services. Reposting their content not only strengthens your community but also serves as social proof that people love what you do.

 Analysing and Tweaking Your Approach

Pay attention to your social media metrics. Check which posts are getting the most engagement, clicks, or conversions. Most platforms have built-in tools that make this easy.

Based on what’s working and what’s not, tweak your content and posting strategy. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles of posts, times of day, or types of content.

Social media changes fast. Keeping up with the latest trends and features can help keep your content fresh and interesting.

As Kat Crane reminds us,

“There are so many little things people don’t know, like when you post on your business page, only you can see your name. Understanding the platform and its features is a whole lesson itself.”


 Boosting Your Reach with Ads

If you want to reach more people, consider investing in social media ads. Even a small budget can go a long way, and platforms like Facebook and Instagram let you target exactly the audience you want to reach. Remember to Budget Smartly -   Decide how much you’re willing to spend and keep an eye on the results. Make sure you’re getting enough bang for your buck by adjusting your ads based on performance.


 The Bottom Line  

Social media can be a game-changer for your business if you approach it the right way. Define your goals, create content your audience will love, engage with them regularly, and keep an eye on what’s working. 

Most importantly, be patient and consistent.

As Kat Crane says, 

“It’s all about understanding the power of social media, while also shaking off the myths and overwhelm. Once you do that, you can really start to see the benefits.”

Want more tips and a deeper dive into social media marketing? 

Check out our guide HERE to get started on building a social media strategy that works for your small business.

Get in touch with Kat Crane of Crane Creative for an in depth strategy sesh.

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