mini e-book // Making Connections for Small Business Owners

Presenting our mini e-book valued at $97, where you will discover practical checklists for key areas:

  • Collaboration Platforms

  • CRM Software

  • Social Media Management Tools

  • Networking, and Community Building Platforms

Explore how co-working spaces, such as Workspace Barossa, elevate collaboration efficiency.

Gain valuable insights from our dynamic co-working community to empower your business and foster meaningful connections!

 For the price of a cup of coffee or a fancy iced tea, you can add real value to your business. We know what it’s like to be a small business owner, so our downloadable products are here to help you thrive without breaking the bank. xx Shelley, Founder of The Regional Collective

$5.00 AUD

Join our Collective to thrive in your regional business - that's 12 months of support for only $97!